Common Lispで文字列を操作する場合に、何種類かある方法のうち、どれが一番効率的か知りたかったので、調べることにした。今回は参照編。
次のコードを使って、シーケンシャルアクセスの時間を測った。処理系はClozure CL 1.6。get-internal-real-timeの単位はミリ秒。
(defmacro with-random-string ((var &optional (length 1000)) &body body)
`(let ((,var (make-string ,length)))
(iter (for i index-of-string ,var)
(setf (aref ,var i) (code-char (+ 32 (random 95)))))
(defmacro with-null-stream ((var) &body body)
`(let ((,var (make-two-way-stream (make-concatenated-stream)
(with-open-stream (,var ,var)
(defmacro with-benchmark (&body body)
(with-gensyms (time)
`(let ((,time (get-internal-real-time)))
(- (get-internal-real-time) ,time))))
(defparameter *times* 1000)
(defparameter *length* 1024)
(iter (repeat *times*)
(sum (with-random-string (str *length*)
(with-null-stream (*standard-output*)
(iter (for i index-of-string str)
(princ (char str i))))))))
(iter (repeat *times*)
(sum (with-random-string (str *length*)
(with-null-stream (*standard-output*)
(iter (for i index-of-string str)
(princ (aref str i))))))))
(iter (repeat *times*)
(sum (with-random-string (str *length*)
(with-null-stream (*standard-output*)
(iter (for i index-of-string str)
(princ (elt str i))))))))
(iter (repeat *times*)
(sum (with-random-string (str *length*)
(with-null-stream (*standard-output*)
(with-input-from-string (s str)
(iter (for c = (read-char s nil))
(while c)
(princ c))))))))
関数 | 所要時間(ミリ秒) |
char | 1093 |
aref | 998 |
elt | 1063 |
read-char | 1189 |
(defun char (string index)
"Given a string and a non-negative integer index less than the length of
the string, returns the character object representing the character at
that position in the string."
(if (typep string 'simple-string)
(schar (the simple-string string) index)
(if (stringp string)
(multiple-value-bind (data offset) (array-data-and-offset string)
(schar (the simple-string data) (+ index offset)))
(report-bad-arg string 'string))))
(defun schar (s i)
"SCHAR returns the character object at an indexed position in a string
just as CHAR does, except the string must be a simple-string."
(let* ((typecode (typecode s)))
(declare (fixnum typecode))
(if (= typecode target::subtag-simple-base-string)
(aref (the simple-string s) i)
(report-bad-arg s 'simple-string))))
で、結局呼ぶのはaref。Common Lispでは文字列は文字のベクタなので、ベクタに対する処理のarefの方が下位ということなんだろう。
(defun aref (a &lexpr subs)
"Return the element of the ARRAY specified by the SUBSCRIPTS."
(let* ((n (%lexpr-count subs)))
(declare (fixnum n))
(if (= n 1)
(%aref1 a (%lexpr-ref subs n 0))
(if (= n 2)
(%aref2 a (%lexpr-ref subs n 0) (%lexpr-ref subs n 1))
(if (= n 3)
(%aref3 a (%lexpr-ref subs n 0) (%lexpr-ref subs n 1) (%lexpr-ref subs n 2))
(let* ((typecode (typecode a)))
(declare (fixnum typecode))
(if (>= typecode target::min-vector-subtag)
(%err-disp $XNDIMS a n)
(if (< typecode target::min-array-subtag)
(report-bad-arg a 'array)
;; This typecode is Just Right ...
(unless (= (the fixnum (%svref a target::arrayH.rank-cell)) n)
(%err-disp $XNDIMS a n))
(let* ((rmi (%array-index a subs n)))
(declare (fixnum rmi))
(multiple-value-bind (data offset) (%array-header-data-and-offset a)
(declare (fixnum offset))
(uvref data (the fixnum (+ offset rmi))))))))))))))
(defun elt (sequence idx)
"Return the element of SEQUENCE specified by INDEX."
(let* ((cell (nthcdr idx sequence)))
(if (consp cell)
(car (the cons cell))
(if cell
(report-bad-arg sequence '(satisfies proper-list-p))
(%err-disp $XACCESSNTH idx sequence))))
(unless (and (typep idx 'fixnum) (>= (the fixnum idx) 0))
(report-bad-arg idx 'unsigned-byte))
(if (>= idx (length sequence))
(%err-disp $XACCESSNTH idx sequence)
(aref sequence idx))))))
(defun string-input-stream-ioblock-read-char (ioblock)
(let* ((string (string-stream-ioblock-string ioblock))
(idx (string-input-stream-ioblock-index ioblock))
(end (string-input-stream-ioblock-end ioblock)))
(declare (fixnum idx end)
(simple-string string))
(if (< idx end)
(progn (setf (string-input-stream-ioblock-index ioblock)
(the fixnum (1+ idx)))
(schar string idx))
結論としては、Clozure CL 1.6においては、文字列の要素を参照する場合、arefが一番速い。